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Digital Video Training For Nigerians 2025

Subsidize Training Fee Is 70,000 Naira Only For Nigerians, Click To Register For The Training immediately

Digital Video Training For Nigerians 2025

"Digital Video Training For Nigerians 2025" Do you want to learn digital video production, how to produce your own digital videos. Are you searching for digital video training,  digital video course or how to produce digital video training course. if yes, indigenous i.t solution training institute (Online Training Ng) has brought an opportunity for you to learn digital Video online at the comfort of your home or office. This training will take you by the hand and show you the complete step by step guide of Digital Video production. If marketing folks want to breathe new life into an existing technology, the method du jour is to tack “digital” onto the name. Today we have digital cable, digital cell phones, digital fuel injection, and now, digital video. But unlike some other technologies that have recently earned the digital prefix, digital video isn’t just a minor improvement over the old way of doing things. Digital video is a revolution that is changing the way we think about and use moving pictures. Regular folks have had the capability to record their own video for many years now. Affordable film movie cameras have been available since the 1950s, and video cameras that record directly onto video tape have been with us for over two decades. But after you recorded some video or film with one of these old cameras, you couldn’t do much else with it. You could show your movies to friends and family in raw, unedited form, but there was no confusing your rough home movie with a professional Hollywood production.
Digital camcorders provide a slight quality improvement over older camcorders, but the real advantage of digital video is that you can now easily edit your video on a computer. I don’t have to tell you how far computer technology has progressed over the last few years, and you know that modern Macs and PCs can now do some pretty amazing things. In a matter of seconds, you can import video from your digital camcorder into your computer, cut out the scenes you don’t want, add some special effects, and then instantly send your movies to friends over the Internet — or burn them to a DVD. The capability to easily edit your own movies adds a whole new level of creativity that was — just few years ago — the exclusive realm of broadcast and movie professionals. In a culture so accustomed to and influenced by video images, it’s actually kind of surprising that personal movie-making hasn’t burgeoned sooner. Video is the art of our time, and now — at last — you have the power to use this art for your own expression. What will you draw on your digital-video canvas?

Why you need this training program

Digital video is a big, highly technical subject, so you need a guide to help
you understand and use this technology. But you don’t need a big Training that is so highly technical that you might get bored during the course of the training. You need easy-to-follow step-by-step instructions for the most important tasks, and you need tips and tricks to make your movies more successful. You need Our Digital Video Training. Thanks to digital video, high-quality movie-making has never been easier or more affordable. I have included instructions on performing the most important video-editing tasks, including lots of graphics so you can better visualize what I’m talking about. You’ll also find tips and other ideas in this training that you wouldn’t find in the documentation that comes with your editing software. Our Digital Video Training doesn’t just help you use software or understand a new technology. It’s about the art of movie-making, and how you can apply this exciting new technology to make movies of your very own. I have designed this training to serve as a primer to movie-making in general. Sections of this training will help you choose a good camcorder, shoot better video, publish movies online, and speak the industry technobabble like a Hollywood pro.

Assumptions About This Training Program

I’ve made a few basic assumptions about you as I have created this training program. First, I assume that you have an intermediate knowledge of how to use a computer. Movie editing is one of the more technically advanced things you can do with a computer, so I assume that if you’re ready to edit video, you already know how to locate and move files around on hard drives, open and close programs, and perform other such tasks. I assume that you are using either a Macintosh or a PC. I used both Mac and Windows software, and this training will be of use to you no matter which platform you use. Another basic assumption I made is that you are not an experienced, professional movie-maker or video editor. I explain the fundamentals of videography and editing in ways that help you immediately get to work on your movie projects. Most of this training is based on the assumption that you are producing movies for fun, business, project or as a hobby. I also assume that you’re not yet ready to spend many hundreds of dollars or thousand of naira on highly advanced editing programs. In this training, I show you how to make amazing movies using software that is already installed on your computer (or that you can purchase for a modest sum). I have elected to show how to perform editing tasks primarily using Apple iMovie and Pinnacle Studio. iMovie is free for all Mac users, and Studio is a powerful yet affordable video-editing program for Windows. Pinnacle Studio is included in the training materials that accompanies this training. Even if you are working in a professional environment and have just been tasked with creating your first company training or kiosk video, this training will help you grasp the fundamentals of digital video. Not only will this help you get to work quickly and efficiently, but I also include information to help you make an educated decision when your company gives you a budget to buy fancier editing software. When you register for our training, you will be sent a step by step digital video training book package and a step by step practical training videos which contain everything about digital video production. We are also going to train you one on one live online through WhatsApp and others, we are going to train you with practical training videos, audios, pictures and text. Our training book is well details, come with pictures and illustrations that even a dummies will be able to understand it, our training book is an electronic version which you can read on your Android phone, iPhone, iPad and computer system. We will mail you your certificate after completion of your training program, we will train you till you know everything. about digital video production. The training fee is just 180usd. The training fee cover your step by step digital video training book package, step by step practical training videos, certificate and training. These are some of the things you will learn in our digital video production training


 How to get Ready for Digital Video
  • Introducing you to digital Video
  • Getting Your Computer Ready for Digital Video
  • Getting Your Digital Video Gear
Gathering Footage
  • Guide to Shooting Better Video
  • Guide to Capturing Digital Video
  • Guide to Capturing Analog Video
  • Guide to Importing Audio
Editing Your Movie
  • Basic Editing
  • Using Transitions and Titles
  • Working with Audio
  • Advanced Video Editing
  • Working with Still Photos and Graphics
  • Wrapping Up Your Movie
 Sharing Your Video
  • Putting Your Movies on the Internet
  • Exporting Digital Video to Tape
  • Recording CDs and DVDs
  • Ten Videography Tips and Tricks
  • Ten Tools for Digital Video Production
  • Comparing Ten Video-Editing Programs and many more

you will learn many things in our digital video training which I can't mention here, To register for the training, you can Register Here or call, message or whatsapp us on the numbers on the website. You can also mail us on indigenousi.tsolution1@gmail.com. you can also register online here. Register for our Digital Video Training For Nigerians 2025 today and learn everything about Digital videos.

NOTE -: Only interested serious minded people who are ready to learn and register should WhatsApp, message or call us. Any information or enquiry you need or want to know about our training program is already on our website, just browse through the footer of the website, you will find the information you need


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