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Professional Blog Designing Training Using Google Blogger

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Professional Blog Designing Training Using Google Blogger

"Professional Blog Designing Training Using Google Blogger" Are you searching for professional google blogger training, Google blogger course or blogger training course  Do you want to learn how you can create or design a professional blog/website with Google blogger, have you been thinking of starting your own blog/website but having difficulties with finance. Maybe you are thinking about the huge investment in hosting the blog/website, the domain name and also paying the web designer that will do the job. Worry no more, because indigenous i.t solution training institute (Online Training Ng) has brought an intensive training for people who want to learn Google blogger online at the comfort of their home or office. This professional training cover everything you need to know on blog designing using Google blogger. In this powerful training, you are going to learn the complete step by step Guide of how to create a professional looking blog on Google blogger. For newbie, let me quickly explain what Google blogger is all about and the myth surrounding it.


Blogger is a free web based tool to help you easily publish your thoughts online as a “web log”. Established by Pyra Labs in 1999, Blogger is credited with popularising “blogging” as a format of web publishing. In 2003, Pyra Labs was purchased by Google, enabling Blogger to offer all it's services for free and develop the service to become the powerful publishing format it is today.There are many reasons to choose Blogger to publish your blog including:
  • It is completely free to use!
  • It's incredibly easy to use!
  • Blogs are hosted on Google servers, and have no limitations on bandwidth
  • You can completely customise the appearance of your blog
  • Gadgets can be added to the layout by means of a simple editor
  • You can post online, by email or using your mobile phone
  • It is easily integrated with other Google services, such as Picasa, YouTube, Google Plus, AdSense, and Google Analytics.
  • Advanced users can customize the template's HTML code And more!

Let me quickly correct something about what some people are saying about Google blogger -:

  • You can't create a professional blog with blogger -: hahaha, those people saying that, are saying it out of ignorance, because they don't know web designing language like PHP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript etc and also how to edit blogger and add some code. all the code you are going to add to your blog has already been covered in details in our Google blogger training book package.
  • You are only limit with blogspot as your domain extension which defeat  the look of a professional blog -: hahaha, we all know that when you create a blog on Google blogger, you are automatically given a Blogspot extension on your domain name e.g www.mysite.blogspot.com and that name does not look professional. You can register your own domain name and map it to your blogger blog, those people criticising Google blogger on domain issue,are the people that find it difficult to map their register domain name to their blogger blog. It might be difficult for some, because different domain name registrar have different control panel tab, some newbie might find it difficult to navigate through it. The step by step of how you are going to map your registered domain name to your blogger blog as already been covered in our Google blogger training book package.
  • You can't rank blogger blog on first page of Google/bing/yandex etc search engine  -: hahaha, those people saying this are people that doesn't know anything about search engine optimization (SEO). the step by step of how you are going to rank your blogger blog on the first page of Google and other search engine has already been covered in details in our training book package.
  • You does not own your blog, Google can delete your blog any time etc -: those people saying that, are either promoting one web-hosting company or another. they want you to buy a web hosting space from them and start paying which is good if you can afford it. If you read blogger terms and conditions and follow it. You have nothing to worry about, we have been using Google blogger for many years, without them, deleting our blog.


Lesson 1 -: help you start by comparing a default Blogger blog with top blogs. You will meet a company blog which will be our example throughout the lesson. Developing a wish list of the features and design elements for the blog will include an overview of the many types of features and online tools used by bloggers.

Lesson 2 -: will help you plan and customize your Blogger template to give your site its own look. This will include the blog post, sidebar, header, and footer areas of the blog. Tweaking the template will include quick fixes such as fonts, colors and background images and then cover more complex tasks, including adding a third column to your design.

Lesson 3 -: covers the types of social bookmarking and network tools, along with the most popular sites. Promoting your site using social bookmarks and using related widgets adds interactivity. You will use social bookmarking techniques with your blog and apply them to different parts of your blog. Blogger and third-party tools are customized and integrated into your blog.

Lesson 4 -: is all about being an active citizen of the Blogosphere. You will set up Blogger link backs, use tools to make it easier for other bloggers to link back to you, and learn ways to attract other bloggers to your blog.

Lesson 5 -: cover the best widgets for Blogger. Widgets are small, self-contained programs that can help you build a community, provide rich content, show and sell products, and make money. They give you more choices for how you can use your blog. You will not only add Blogger and third-party widgets to your blog, you will create your own custom widgets. Picking the right widgets for your blog is covered by widget type and function.

Lesson 6 -: will help you make the most of Blogger's feed syndication. You'll learn how to make it easy for people to subscribe, use tools like Feedburner to promote, measure and share your feed, and go beyond basic feed syndication with widgets and optimization tips.

Lesson 7 -: advertising as a source of revenue for your blog. Using Google 
AdSense and other popular programs, you will select ad formats, customize widgets, and place ads on your blog. Rich media formats including YouTube AdSense units are explored.

Lesson 8 -: covers the ways to measure the performance of your blog using Google Analytics. You'll start with installing Analytics code on your blog and learning how Analytics is useful for Blogger blogs. This lessy is full of active tutorials on getting the most out of Google Analytics, including how to use regular expressions to create custom filters. Understanding and analyzing the reporting features of Analytics is also explored.

Lesson 9 -: focuses on optimizing your blog for search engines. Create site maps, understand the cryptic syntax of robots.txt, and learn tips specific to how search engines crawl and rank blogs. Taking action with checklists and techniques designed to get you started in five minutes or less.

Lesson 10 -: integrates your blog with your main website or any other site or blog you already have. You will add dynamic universal navigation, match the fonts and colors of your blog to other sites, add content from your blog to an external site, and learn multiple ways to use a custom domain for your Blogger blog.

In our Professional Google Blogger Training, you are going to learn the complete step by step guide of how you are going to sign up and design a professional blog using Google blogger and also step by step method to make your blog popular and rank higher on different search engine, we are also going to train you one on one live online through WhatsApp and others, we are going to train you with practical training videos, audio, pictures and text. We will train you till you become a professional in Google blogger. Our step by step training book package is an electronic version which you can read on your Android phone, iPhone, iPad and Computer system. The training fee is just 180usd. The training fee cover your step by step Professional Google Blogger training book package, step by step practical training videos, certificate and training. To register for this Professional training program, you can Register Here or Whatsapp or message us on the numbers on the website or mail us on indigenousi.tsolution1@gmail.com, this Professional Google Blogger Training will teach you everything you need to know about designing professional blog with blogger. Register for your Google blogger training today and stop asking irrelevant questions about Google blogger.
NOTE -: Only interested serious minded people who are ready to learn and register should WhatsApp, message or call us. Any information or enquiry you need or want to know about our training program is already on our website, just browse through the footer of the website, you will find the information you need


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