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"Email Marketing Training" Do you want to learn email marketing, do you want to learn how to grow your list, break the rules, and win through email marketing. Are you searching for email marketing training, email marketing course or email marketing training course. If yes, indigenous i.t solution training institute (Online Training Ng) has brought an intensive training for people who want to learn email marketing online at the comfort of their home or office. This professional training cover the complete step by step guide of how to Grow Your List, Break the Rules, and Win. This training will teach you everything you need to know about email marketing. “Social media gets more attention, but email is still the spine of effective digital marketing. In this practical online training that you’ll refer to constantly, we shed much-needed light on how to build, operate, and optimize a knock-out email program. It’s a useful training, perfectly executed.” Think for a moment about your typical day. How many times do you check your email? How long can you go without checking it before curiosity gets the best of you and you simply cannot resist the urge any longer? Emily is a typical 30-something professional. She first looks at her iPhone sometime between getting out of bed and her first cup of coffee. She glances at it after her shower but before getting dressed and then again after brushing her teeth. She stops to reply to a message before leaving for the commute to work, and then responds to messages for a few minutes on the bus. When Emily arrives at the office, she fires up her laptop and plows through a few emails before the 9 a.m. staff meeting. During the meeting she glances down at her phone a few times (any email?). Before 10:30, she sneaks a peek at least once, if not twice, at her iPhone to see whether something urgent has come in. She does another quick check between phone calls, takes a few minutes to reply to the morning meeting notes that were sent around the office, and she’s off to lunch. The workday is not yet five hours old and Emily has been in her inbox more than a dozen times. Emily is not an unusual case study in today’s on-the-go but in-the-know business world. She depends on her email for the news of the day, her vital work documents and meeting notices, notifications that friends have posted new information on their social networking profiles, ads and coupons from retailers, as well as information from online daily deal sites, notifications from the local arts center of new dramatic productions, and the occasional message from mom. Try telling Emily email is dead. Is it really? Well, take a moment to think about how you start your day. How often in your routine do you pick up your smart phone or tablet, or walk by your computer only to wiggle the mouse and see how many notifications your inbox shows? Do you check your email from bed? While combing your hair? While eating breakfast? Is it hard for you not to check messages while having dinner with your friends or family? Now think about the totality of your day—work or otherwise. When you’re using a device connected to the Internet, we’re willing to bet checking email is one of your top three tasks, if not the number one thing you do. You might also read blog posts, update social networking sites, and search for products or information and the like, but you probably always come back to your inbox. In fact, we’re pretty sure you’ve checked your email today. Some of you may have even paused a moment ago, minimize this training post you are reading and glanced at your inbox. Email has become what we do online. It’s ubiquitous and a huge part of our daily routine. For many of us, it’s the first thing we do in the morning. For some, it’s the last thing we do before closing our eyes at night. We are a world addicted to email.
Ninety-four percent of people send or read email! That’s more than 9 in every
10 human beings. Frankly, we’re a little worried about the 6 percent. Don’t they know what they’re missing? Ninety-four percent! The 94 percent figure is for all online adults. Certainly the numbers change by age bracket, right? Not really—teens (ages 12 to 17) come in at 73 percent, presumably because the younger members of that age group might not yet have a use for or be allowed to use emails. Millennials (ages 18 to 33) stand at 96 percent. The use of daily email by Generation X (ages 33 to 45) is 94 percent, and 91 percent of young Boomers (ages 46 to 55) use email. The drop-off beyond isn’t significant. Older Boomers (56 to 64), the Silent Generation (65 to 73), and the G.I. Generation (74 and up) register email usage at 93, 90, and 88 percent, respectively. Email is the number-one online activity, ahead of generic search (87 percent of all adults), looking for health information (83 percent), and getting news (75 percent). To put a different spin on the sheer volume of the consumer’s email addiction, David Daniels (then of Forrester Research) predicted the number of online adults who regularly use email would grow to 500million by coming years. A more recent study by the Radicati Group, Inc. stated that “the number of worldwide email accounts is expected to increase from an installed base [active accounts, which have been accessed at least once within the last three months] of 3.1 billion to nearly 4.1 billion by year-end. This represents an average annual growth rate of 7 percent over the next four years.” Email is so ingrained in most people’s daily routines and habits that one email account isn’t enough. We’d be willing to bet you maintain at least two email accounts—one for work, another for personal communications. If you are in school, have recently graduated, or are an active alumnus, it’s quite possible you have a third. You may even have a fourth as a catch-all email account for email marketing or social network notifications and updates. Name another product or service that you can’t get by with just one of that is dying as an industry. “But social media is killing email. So is mobile!” We’ve heard that from naysayers, too. If you can reach out to people on Facebook or Twitter, why on earth would you clutter their inbox? That’s been the stance of many a social media pundit in the last decade. They claim that social media has (or will) kill email. These folks just aren’t doing their homework. If anything, social media is increasing the use of email. According to a well-done whitepaper called “View from the Digital Inbox,” from Merckle, a customer relationship management agency, people who use social networks are more likely to be what it terms “hyper email checkers,” meaning someone who checks email four or more times each day. Merckle’s report also suggests that mobile email users tend to fall into the same category. Forty-three percent of mobile email users check their email four or more times per day, compared to 29 percent of those who do not use email on a mobile device. “But people check for personal emails, not commercial ones. ”Wrong. Merckle’s data shows that in regard to the amount of time people spend on email (meaning reading and responding to it) by type (categorized as friends and family, commercial, work, and other), email marketing—that which is classified as “commercial” —has risen steadily from 23 percent to 30 percent. During that same time period, emails to friends and family have fallen from 43 percent to 37 percent. Work and other types of email have remained fairly steady as a percentage of overall email. This data can be interpreted a couple different ways:
- As the volume of commercial email has risen, so has the amount of time people spend reading and interacting with it (clicking, sharing, and so on).
- Marketers might be getting smarter about sending timely, relevant, valuable content to their subscribers; thus, people are spending more time engaging with those email marketing messages.
What is not clear from the Merckle study is how click-throughs and conversions (sales, webinar sign-ups, and so on) are being impacted by the rise in time spent interacting with commercial email. In the long run, these metrics might be more important for marketers. Either way, what is apparent is that consumers are shifting their email consumption time in favor of commercial emails. Finally, regardless of the user’s age, email is the preferred method of communication for commercial messages—by far. Merckle reports that 74 percent of all online adults say so. Compared to direct mail, email is preferred at a rate of five to one.
What to Expect from This Training
For the foreseeable future for your company, no other Internet marketing
medium can match the numbers of email marketing. For this and all the reasons baked into statistics we’ve shared in the preceding lessons, we want to take you on a helpful journey throughout the world of email marketing. Our hope is that by lesson’s end, you’ll be prepared to not only select an email service provider and
start crafting that first email, but also build and continually grow your list,
implement email marketing campaigns and strategies. Here’s how we’ll get you there:
Lesson 1, “The Secret to Email Marketing: List Growth”: When we
say it’s the secret, we mean it’s the secret. Through this section, you’ll learn why growing your list is the secret to email marketing; how to make it easy and obvious for your customers and prospects to join; and how to grow your list using technology, social media, and offline channels. These lessons explain the intricacies of the sign-up process, walk you through important setup decisions, and help you complete the process of signing folks up by sending a killer welcome email.
Lesson 2, “The Anatomy of an Email”: In this part, you’ll learn what makes an outstanding email marketing message. We’ll dive into details such as subject lines, From names, preheaders, and headers. We’ll show you the importance of having a table of contents, main calls to action, and secondary and even tertiary calls to action to make that email deliver results for your business. We’ll talk about buttons, links, images, social sharing...even how to craft an effective page footer. We then discuss the all-important unsubscribe links and process, which can help you maintain compliance with email marketing legislation and keep your customers happy, even when they want to opt out.
Lesson 3, “Breaking the Rules”: This part is where we throw out convention and start going through all the “rules” and “best practices” of email marketing you might have heard over the years. It’s not that we think they’re all bunk, but within each one we can illustrate examples of being successful while breaking those rules. We’ll discuss the practice of sending one big image in your emails. We’ll slice and dice the nit-picky orders you might have heard about subject lines, ALL CAPS, the word free, pop-up collection forms, text versus HTML formatting, and “rules” about opting in and opting out. We’ll also address the issue of buying lists, having good graphic design, and even some misconceptions about your ability to send unsolicited (non-permission) emails to people. By the end of this section of the training, we hope to give you the confidence to establish a set of rules and best practices that work for you.
Lesson 4 “Email Marketing and Social Media”: Email marketing alone is pretty powerful, but combine its forces with the mass appeal and power of social media and social networking and you have yourself a marketing juggernaut, much like the crime-fighting one of Batman and Robin. This part shows you how social sharing and connectivity can drastically ramp up your email marketing and how email marketing can, in turn, ramp up your social media efforts. We’ll discuss the commonalities in approaching content
creation for social media and email marketing and give you some great
ideas and direction to light a fire under your customer engagement and
Lesson 5, “The Future of Email Marketing”: In the final section, we
attempt to look into the coming years to see what email marketing will look like in the short-term and long-term. Although it is true that Internet and digital technologies change in the amount of time it takes to present most trainings, we want you to feel confident and assured that you can apply your newfound email marketing wisdom both now and down the road. Your business’s future might well depend on email marketing. So we want you to have one eye on that future while the
other is kicking ass and taking names in the present. By the time you enroll for this training, you will have the knowledge you need to tackle email marketing with gusto. You’ll be ready to grow your list, develop your email marketing content, and drive business with your Send button. But first things are always first: You have to grow your list.
The Secret to Email Marketing: List Growth
- Why List Growth Matters
- How to Grow Your List
- Let’s Get Technical
The Anatomy of an Email
- Examining an Email’s Body Parts
- The First Impression
- The Meat and Potatoes
- The Finishing Touches
Breaking the Rules
- Are Best Practices Really “Best”?
- My Word! You Must Read This Now!
- The Perfect-Looking Email
- The Best Ways to Grow Your List
Email Marketing and Social Media
- How Email and Social Media Go Together.
- The Power of Pairs
- The Future of Email Marketing
- What’s Next?.
- Go Forth and Conquer
And many others, You will learn many things in this powerful training which I can't mention here.
NOTE -: Our Email Marketing Training Book Package is well details, come with pictures and illustrations that even a dummies can understand it. The training book is an electronic version which you can read on your Android phone, iphone, iPad and computer system. We are still going to train you one on one live online through WhatsApp and others, we will train you till you become a professional in email marketing. Certificate will also be issued after completion of the training program. The training fee is just 180usd. You can
Register Here or Whatsapp, call or message me on 2349077269910 - 2347068895656. you can also email us at to register. Register today and learn the complete A to Z guide of Email Marketing.