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Smart Home And Building Automation Training

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Smart Home And Building Automation Training

 "Smart Home And Building Automation Training" Do you want to learn smart home and building automation, do you want to learn the complete A to Z guide of smart home and building automation. Are you searching for smart home and building automation training, smart home and building automation course or smart home training course. If yes, indigenous i.t solution training institute (Online Training Ng) has brought an intensive training for people who want to learn smart home and building automation online at the comfort of their home or office. In this professional training, you will learn the advanced complete step by step guide of How To Smart Home. This powerful training cover A Step by Step Guide for Smart Homes & Building Automation. This is the only training program where you can acquire an advanced knowledge on smart home and building automation.

You can also enroll for Smart Home Automation Training Here

Who is this Training for?

This training explains state of the art smart home, building automation and Internet of Things technologies and demonstrates step by step how to apply them to real world projects. The toolset covered consists of tablets, smartphones, sensor equipped devices, the Internet and the latest wireline and wireless building automation standards. You will be introduced to technology basics, planning and design principles, security and privacy considerations as well as implementation details and testing philosophies. Expecting no specific know-how upfront, the training is suited for both - the professional consultant as well as the technology loving hobbyist. After explaining the big picture and the key concepts of state of the art home and building automation, the training will walk you through the implementation of a concrete building automation and control project in a step-by-step manner. At the end of each project phase you should have a real, working solution on your desk, which can be further customized and expanded as desired. No programming skills are required as prerequisite. Scripts are explained line by line, configuration settings step by step. Of course, if you have never written a short automation script or configured a DSL router, at some point your learning curve will be steeper than that of others. However, everything you learn will be based on open standard technologies, which you will be able to utilize in any other IT related project. Technologies and platforms which are used in the project are: 

  • Wi-Fi / WLAN 
  • Telnet, HTTP, TCP/IP 
  • Z-Wave, a smart home communication standard 
  • ZigBee, a smart home communication standard 
  • KNX, a smart home communication standard
  • Drools, an open source object oriented rule engine 
  • OpenRemote, an open source Internet of Things software platform 
  • IFTTT (IF This Than That), a cloud based Internet of Things control service 
  • Google Sheets, a cloud based spreadsheet service, part of Googles G Suite 
  • Google Apps Script, a scripting environment based on JavaScript for G Suite products 
  • macOS Linux Windows 10 / Java

Parts of the project integrate consumer electronics devices, such as audio equipment from Denon and Marantz. However, project and instructions are designed, so that that they can easily be adapted to other manufacturers. Be aware, however, that equipment, which is more than a few years old, probably will lack the required interfaces for smart home integration at the level which is being covered in this training, such as built in WLAN, Bluetooth, web server components, or "Wake-on-LAN" functionality. While not part of the concrete project described in the second part, the training also covers popular smart home solutions such as Apple’s HomeKit, Google’s NEST, Google Home, Samsung’s SmartThings or Amazon’s Echo. While they are not in the centre of the training, their integration with the described solution is discussed and explained. The technologies, design and planning approaches, test philosophies and security considerations discussed do apply to any smart home and building automation solution.

What You Will not Find

This training is not a training for simple plug and play type home automation solutions, which various vendors are offering based on closed and proprietary solutions with limited functionality. It looks at the much broader market of smart homes, building automation and IoT and does a much deeper dive into the technology basics, than the average smart home customer typically is interested in. Plug and play type solutions and how to integrate them with professional level building automation are covered however, but it is the smaller part of a much broader and deeper dicussion of the topic.

What You will Find

The objective of this training is to explain and demonstrate how to build a comprehensive smart home and building automation solution, which is capable of integrating devices and platforms from different vendors, connecting them through meaningful and useful rules. The outcome is a professional level, real world smart home solution, which improves quality of life while saving energy. For the implementation of the sample project in this training I have selected a combination of a local home controller and a cloud based solution. The local home computer component is based on the open soure platform OpenRemote, the cloud component on cloud services from Google and IFTTT. In combination they deliver a solution providing interoperability with most devices and platforms on the market, while allowing for full customization to needs of residential as well as commercial users.


Introduction to the training

  • Who is this training for? 
  • What You Will not find in this training 
  • What You will Find 
  • Safety First! 
  • Take no Risks 
  • Formatting Rules

The Big Picture

  • Smart Buildings and the Internet of Things (IoT).
  • The Potential for Energy Conservation 
  • Safety Management and Assistive Domotics 
  • Changing the World (a bit) to the Better

Key Concepts

  • Devices under Control 
  • Sensors and Actuators 
  • Home Automation Network (HAN) 
  • Controller (Smart Hubs) 
  • Remote Control Devices 
  • Cloud Services

Home Automation Network Protocols

  • Network Address Translation (NAT)
  • Open Ports and Port Forwarding (Port Sharing). 
  • UPnP 
  • Dynamic DNS 
  • HTTP Server Push

You Don’t Know What You Don’t Know - Smarthome Security

  • Attacking the HAN 
  • IoT Search Engines - Shodan and friends.

Home & Building Automation: Markets and Trends

  • Market Size and Growth 
  • Smart Devices & Deep Learning Technologies.

Smart Homes for the Masses: Google, Apple, Samsung, Amazon and more

  • Google’s Nest Labs and Google Home 
  • One More Thing … Apple HomeKit 
  • Samsung’s SmartThings 
  • Amazon’s Echo

To Cloud or not to Cloud - This is the Question

  • Securing your Project Cloud Account

The Project

  • Overview 
  • Equipment and Prerequisites

The Home Control Centre: Open Remote

  • OpenRemote Overview
  • OpenRemote Controller Installation 
  • Java Installation and Configuration under macOS 
  • Java Installation and Configuration under Windows. 
  • First Synchronization between Designer and Controller. 
  • The Importance of Directory and File Management. 
  • OpenRemote Professional Designer 
  • The “Hello World” App

A Pretty Smart Sensor: Internet Weather

  • OpenRemote Control via HTTP: Retrieving Internet Weather Data 
  • Designing the App Layout

Integration of Multimedia: iTunes Remote

  • Scripting Basics: Shell what?
  • Testing it Right - Best Practice for Script Writing. 
  • Script Based iTunes Control in macOS 
  • Smartphone Remote for iTunes (macOS). 
  • Script Based MediaPlayer Control (Windows 10). 
  • Script Based iTunes Control (Windows 10). 
  • Talk to Me

A Little AI: Drools Rules

  • Wake me up Early if it Rains: iAlarm 
  • Remember me: Maintaining State Information. 
  • From Sunrise to Sunset

More iDevices

  • Denon / Marantz Audio System Control 
  • Device Control Using Z-Wave

Where are you? Geo-fencing!

  • Google Drive 
  • If This Then That (IFTTT) 
  • A Geo-Fencing Database on Google Drive. 
  • Google Sheets Manipulation 
  • Writing a Geo-fencing Sheet Management Script. 
  • A Smartphone App for the Geo-Fence Database. 
  • Further considerations for using a Geo-Fencing Database: Concurrency and Hysteresis. 
  • Google Sheets Integration with OpenRemote. 
  • A Cloud Based Smarthome Control Platform.

Industry Grade Home Infrastructure Control: KNX

  • What is KNX? 
  • How does KNX Work?
  • The KNX Software Infrastructure: ETS 
  • Which Operating Systems does ETS Support?. 
  • ETS on a Mac 
  • Other KNX.org Software Tools 
  • ETS5 Installation 
  • Importing Vendor Catalogs 
  • ETS5 Infrastructure Configuration 
  • ETS5: Adding the Building Infrastructure. 
  • ETS5: Configuring the KNX Elements 
  • ETS5: Connecting Infrastructure to Controls. 
  • Notes on Configuring KNX Devices

KNX Control via OpenRemote Designer

  • Background Pictures for the Smartphone and Tablet App. 
  • Configuring KNX Based Heating Mode Control.
  • Smartphone Based Heating Control 
  • Drools Based Heating Automation

Remote Smarthome Control

Cold Start: Launch Automation

  • Windows 10 Task Scheduler 
  • macOS launchd

Troubleshooting and Testing

  • Preventive Maintenance 
  • OpenRemote Heartbeat and Watchdog

We Proudly Present: Reporting

  • A Drools Reporting Rule

Additional Lessons

  • Upgrading from OpenRemote Designer to Professional Designer.
  • Troubleshooting Strategies 
  • Problem Symptom - Cause Pairs 
  • A Brief Introduction to JavaScript and Google Script.

And many others, You will learn many things in this powerful training which I can't mention here. 

NOTE -: Our training materials is well details, come with pictures and illustrations that even a dummies can understand it. The training materials is in plain English, easy to follow, fully illustrated and in full color. The training materials is an electronic version which you can read on your Android phone, iphone, ipad and computer system. We are still going to train you one on one live online through WhatsApp and others, we will train you till you become a professional in smart home and building automation. The training cost more than 800,000 naira but we are going to give it out for just 230usd. The training fee is just 230usd. You can Register Here or Whatsapp, call or message me on 2349077269910 - 2347068895656. you can also email us at indigenousi.tsolution1@gmail.com to register. Register today and learn the complete A to Z guide of Smart Home And Building Automation.

NOTE -: Only interested serious minded people who are ready to learn and register should WhatsApp, message or call us. Any information or enquiry you need or want to know about our training program is already on our website, just browse through the footer of the website, you will find the information you need


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