"Backyard Chicken Raising Training" Do you want to learn backyard chicken raising, do you want to learn the complete guide to raising chickens. Are you searching for backyard chicken raising training, backyard chicken raising course or how to raise chickens in your backyard training course. If yes, indigenous i.t solution training institute (Online Training Ng) has brought an intensive training for people that want to learn backyard chicken raising online at the comfort of their home or office. This training is dedicated to all the young boys and girls out there who have a dream of raising chickens. Don’t give up on your dream. In this professional training, you will learn the complete A to Z guide of backyard chicken raising. The world of poultry keeping has come a long way since the days of Grandma having a few chickens down on the farm. Today’s chickens are more than just birds that provide meat and eggs. They are the new pets. There are diapers you can get for your chickens so that they can be in the house or travel with you. There are even special treats and toys designed just for chickens. The days of a few chickens running loose on the old country farm are long gone. Now they are your typical house pets just as you would have a dog or cat. Many cities, towns and municipalities are now rewriting their laws to allow chickens, specifically hens, to be kept inside city limits within small backyards. The poultry revolution is taking this country by storm and it is a wonderful thing. Poultry have been domesticated for thousands of years and with literally hundreds of breeds and varieties to choose from, there seems to be a chicken to suit anyone’s fancy. There are egg layers and meat producers, bantams and large fowl, feather footed and clean legged that all come in a wide variety of colors. There are the heritage breeds and the hybrids, the cross breeds and the mutts. It is all just a matter of what you are looking for in a chicken. Chickens are not the dumb, nasty, foul-smelling creatures that they have been made out to be. Chickens are quite intelligent, considering their small brain size, and the only reason they would be nasty and foul smelling is if they were not properly cared for. Here at our farm, when people come to visit, they are amazed that there is very little, if any, smell and that there is a remarkable absence of flies. Granted, we are a big farm as we keep up to about thousands of chickens, but we are large in the world of backyard poultry growers. We also hatch about thousands of chicks each year in small and big incubators, which we sell to other local poultry people. We try to take the logical approach to raising chickens. We get calls and emails from people all over the world wanting to know about all the different medications and all the specifics about raising and caring for chickens. It doesn’t have to be as difficult as people want to make it out to be. Our philosophy is“ Less is more”—less medicine, more healthy birds; less stress, happier chickens and happier you. People just starting out with chickens come into our little store and want us to set them up with everything they might need. They are shocked when I only hand them just a few items. They want to know about the rest of it and I tell them they don’t need it unless something goes terribly wrong, and at that point I will get them what they need. Raising poultry does not have to be a time-consuming, drive-you-crazy type of operation. It should be an enjoyable experience for all involved—for you, for your family and for the chickens. It is my hope that this training will in some way help you to realize the enjoyment that so many have been able to find in their quest to have a small backyard flock. If you want two chickens or two hundred, the principles are the same. It all depends on you and the time that you have to devote to your birds.
Learning a New Language
Poultry Terminology
Common Abbreviations
USDA Poultry Classifications.
- Cage Free
- Free Range
- Antibiotic Free
- Hormone Free
- Chemical Free
- Natural
- Naturally Raised
- Vegetarian Fed
- Certified Organic
- Certified Humane
- American Humane Certified
- United Egg Producers Certified
- Food Alliance Certified
- Animal Welfare Approved
Poultry Economics
What Chickens Need
What Chickens Eat
Treats and Goodies
- Selecting a Breed
Rhode Island Red
- New Hampshire Red
- Barred Plymouth Rock
- Delaware
- Ameraucana
- Leghorn
- Sex-Links
- Cornish Cross.
Building a Coop
Nest Boxes
Artificial Lighting
Weather Extremes
Avoiding Predators
Gardening with Poultry
Composting with Chickens.
All About Chicks
Setting Up Your Brooder
The Life Stages of Chickens
- 0 to 6 Weeks of Age
- 6 to 14 Weeks of Age
- 14 to 22 Weeks of Age
- Young Adults
Broody Hens
- Surrogacy
- Breaking a Broody Hen
- Moving a Broody Hen
All About Eggs
- How an Egg Is Formed
- Color Versus Taste
- Egg Freshness and Storage.
Incubating Eggs
- Some Basic Rules
- Egg Viability
- Heat Source
- Egg Turning
- Humidity
- Candling
- Lockdown
- Hatching
- After the Hatch
- Keeping Records
- Dos and Don’ts
- Uh Oh, What Happened?
- Fall Chicks.
Hierarchy of Poultry Society
- Bringing in New Birds
- Transitioning Chicks and Chickens
- Changing a Flock’s Dynamics
- Poultry Personality
- Aggressive Roosters.
Bathing and Grooming Your Chickens
- Clipping Wings
- Trimming Toenails
- Trimming Beaks
- Spurs.
Why Have They Stopped Laying?
- Sex-Links and Auto-Sexing
- Crossbreeding
Is There a Doctor in the House?
- Worms
- Mites and Lice
- Scaly Leg Mites
- Stick-Tight Fleas.
- Curled Toes
- Pasty Butt
- Slipped Achilles Tendon
- Spraddle Leg
- Vitamin and Mineral Deficiencies
- Flip-Over Syndrome
- Water Belly.
- Aflatoxicosis
- Avian Influenza
- Bumblefoot
- Chronic Respiratory Disease (CRD)
- Coccidiosis
- Fowl Pox
- Infectious Bronchitis
- Infectious Coryza
- Marek’s Disease
- Newcastle Disease
- Respiratory Fungal Infections
- Sinusitis.
Other Problems
- Botulism
- Ethylene Glycol Poisoning
- Impacted Crop and Flush
- White Birds Turning Yellow
- Cannibalism.
- Vaccines
- Injectables and Ingestibles
- Tablets and Capsules
- Solubles
- Other Medicines.
National Poultry Improvement Plan (NPIP)
Chickens And Children
Fun Ways To Use Your Eggs
- Hard-Boiling Fresh Eggs
- Blowing Out Eggs
- Natural Egg Dyes
- Alternative Egg Dyes
- Egg in a Bottle.
And many others, you will learn many things in this powerful training which I can't mention here.
NOTE -: Our step by step training materials is well details, come with pictures and illustrations that even a dummies can understand it. The training materials is an electronic version which you can read on your Android phone, iphone, iPad and computer system. We are still going to train you one on one live online through WhatsApp and others, we are going to train you with step by step practical training videos, audio, pictures and text. We will train you till you become a professional in backyard chicken raising. Our step by step backyard chicken raising training materials is enough to learn and make you a professional in backyard chicken raising field.
The training fee is just 250usd. The training fee cover your step by step backyard chicken raising training materials, certificate and training. To register for the training, you can Register Here or Whatsapp, call or message the numbers on the website. You can also email us at indigenousi.tsolution1@gmail.com to register. Your certificate will also be mail to you after completion of the training program. Register today and learn the complete step by step guide of backyard chicken raising.