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Home Studio Recording Training For Nigerians

Home Studio Recording Training For Nigeria

Home Studio Recording Training For Nigerians" Do you want to learn Home Studio Recording, how you can setup your own computer recording studio at home. Are you searching for home studio recording training, home studio recording coures or how to setup your own computer recording studio training course. if yes, indigenous i.t solution training institute (Online Training Ng) has brought an opportunity to learn Home Studio Recording online right at the comfort of your home or office. This training contain the COMPLETE A to Z GUIDE TO RECORDING YOUR MUSIC AT HOME, Everything you’ll ever need to write and record from scratch. This training also contain how to SET UP YOUR HOME STUDIO / RECORD GUITARS, BASS, DRUMS & VOCALS / WRITE CATCHY SONGS / BUY AFFORDABLE GEAR PLUS… LEARN TO MIX & MASTER / GET YOUR MUSIC HEARD AND MANY. Let me briefly introduce you to the home studio recording and also list some of what you are going to learn in this powerful training.


Never before has it been so easy and enjoyable to write, record and polish your own music at home. Music technology has come such a long way, meaning that what was once the sole domain of recording studios is now within the grasp of everyday musicians. In fact, home recordists are one of the fastest-growing groups in music; even professional bands are building their own home studios (or cool garden pods filled with studio gear and instruments), moving away from spending days, or even weeks or months, in traditional recording studios. The reasons why beginners like you choose to record music at home varies – some of you may need to keep costs to a minimum, some of you may crave greater creative control over sounds, processes and the finished article, and some of you may simply want to record music in private without anyone else (namely a producer or engineer) hearing it. Whatever your reason for recording from home, this Beginner Home Studio Training can help you. In this powerful training, we have packed in a goldmine of information to help you create the music you have always dreamed of. Don’t know what kind of gear you need in order to record from home, or what to do with that gear when you do buy it? Unsure how songs are structured, or stuck for inspiration on where to begin with songwriting? Confused as to what DAW means, or intimidated at the thought of miking up a drum kit? Don’t be! We address all of those scenarios, situations and more with the Home Studio Recording Training. Aimed at newcomers, this training will walk you through the whole home recording shebang, from buying affordable hardware and instruments, through to setting up your recording space, writing songs, laying down epic tracks and honing them afterwards. And when you’re ready for recording at a pro level, we’ll be there to help you with the Expert Home Studio Training. Life is too short to ignore your dreams and passions. If you have always wanted to create, record and release your own music, let us help you begin doing so right now.














And many others, you will learn many things in this powerful training which I can't mention here.

NOTE -: Our training book is well details, come with pictures and illustrations that even a dummies can understand it. The training book is an electronic version which can be read on your Android phone, iphone, iPad and computer system. We are still going to train you one on one live online through WhatsApp and others, we are going to train you with step by step practical training videos, audio, pictures and text. We will train you till you become a professional in home studio recording. Our step by step home studio recording training book package and step by step practical training videos is enough to make you a professional in home studio recording field...

The training fee is just 30,000 naira only and 100usd for non nigeria, the training fee cover your step by step Home Studio Recording training book package, step by step practical training videos, certificate and training. To register for the training, you can Register Here or Whatsapp, call or message us on 2349077269910 - 2347068895656. you can also email us at indigenousi.tsolution1@gmail.com to register. Your certificate will also be mail to you after completion of the training program. Register today and learn the complete A to Z Guide of home studio recording.


Digital Film Making Training For Nigerians

Subsidize Training Fee Is 100,000 Naira Only For Nigerians, Click To Register For The Training immediately

Digital Film Making Training For Nigerians

"Digital Film Making Training For Nigerians" Do you want to learn Digital film making, Are you searching for Digital Film making training, digital film making course, filmmaking course, cinematography course, Film directing course online, short film making course, filmmaking online course, best online filmmaking course, film directing course or online film course. Do you want to learn how you can start producing your own movie. if yes, indigenous i.t solution training institute (Online Training Ng) has brought an intensive training to learn Digital film making online from the comfort of your home. This training will take you by the hand and show you everything about Digital film making, this training cover the complete A to Z  guide of Digital film making, this powerful training is presented in an european standard of filmmaking (Hollywood). this powerful training is suitable for beginners and experts. Let me briefly Introduce you to Digital film making and also list some of what you are going to learn in this powerful training.


Once upon a time, the world of filmmaking was very small and most of it was contained in one place: Hollywood. In those days before the advent of digital technology, through trial and error, the studios developed an exceptional workflow designed to track a massive amount of data without using computers. Today, thanks to modern technology, there are myriad digital tools available to filmmakers in the form of hardware and software. And the old studio workflow, while still potentially valuable, is in need of an upgrade. In this training, we’ll guide you through the modern digital filmmaking workflow and show you the tools (and toys) that will make your life easier. We’ll help you navigate the ever-changing developments of new technology while keeping the big picture in mind: storytelling. Because despite all the changes since the heyday of Hollywood, the heart of filmmaking remains unchanged.

What You’ll Find in This Training

This training is organized into three parts, just like a film shoot: preproduction, production, and postproduction. 

Part I: Preproduction cover the traditional stage of “pre - production,” the part of the process during which you make all the decisions necessary to start shooting: writing, technology basics, planning, scheduling, storyboarding, set design, and choosing a camera.

Part II: Production cover the traditional stage of “production,” the principal shoot of your project: lighting, using the camera, shooting, and recording production sound, including a special new lesson on shooting with DSLR cameras.

Part III: Postproduction cover the traditional stage of “postproduction”: workstations and equipment, organizing and media management, editing, sound design, color correction, titles, special effects, and delivery of the finished product—everything from streaming video to a digital cinema screening in a theater. Finally, although we assume you have no formal training in video or film production, we might—on occasion—use film and video production-related terms. You’ll find definitions for these terms in the course of our training. You might be surprised to learn how much you already know about video production. Watching movies is the best way to learn the visual literacy required of a good filmmaker, and most people have seen plenty of movies.


Digital video is everywhere these days—on your television, your computer, your game console, and your smart phone. And the ways to acquire it abound too: camcorders, cell phones, built-in cameras on your computer, and point-and-shoot cameras that just happen to record HD. What used to be the rarified territory of “film geeks” is now the norm. There’s a reason for that. The fact is that the collaboration, imagination, and work involved in crafting even a short film are extremely enjoyable. Digital video technology makes it possible to make films for fun. And with Web-based distribution, you no longer have to be a hobbyist filmmaker with no audience. You can actually present your finished work to the world for practically zero cost.This training will teach you everything you need to know, whether your aim is to create a feature-length movie with the hope of screening in a theater, an industrial or corporate production,or a short film or music video simply for your own enjoyment. This training is meant to be both a start-to-finish production guide and a reference for learning more about particular tasks. For more experienced users, we’ve included details on the latest technologies and strategies for refining a digital workflow to reduce your production costs and to enhance creativity. From sophisticated shot design to cutting-edge graphics, The Digital Film Making Training For Nigerians will show you how to create images and effects that are rarely associated with low-budget productions. For serious beginning filmmakers, this training provides a wide overview of the entire process of making a movie from the very first steps of writing a screenplay to shooting to the final screening. Full-blown video production is a huge affair that involves many different arts, crafts, and sciences. No single volume can address the tremendous amount of training and expertise that is required to master all of these disciplines. However, we have tried to fill you in on the questions you need to ask, and the major problems and issues you will have to solve at each stage of your production. So even though this training doesn’t cover, for example, 3D animation, our postproduction aspect should at least bring you up to speed on the issues you can expect to face when trying to create visual effects. These questions should help you better interface with the artisans and craftspeople who do have the skills for these various disciplines and point you in the direction of further self-education if that’s your intention.Whether your goal is an industrial project, a short subject for your Web site, or a feature-length movie for a film festival, The Digital Filmmaking Training For Nigerians, contains everything you need to know to get your project in the can.



  • What Kind of Digital Film Should You Make? . 


  • Screenwriting . 
  • Finding a Story . 
  • Structure . 
  • Writing Visually . 
  • Formatting Your Script . 
  • Writing for Television . 
  • Writing for “Unscripted” . 
  • Writing for Corporate Projects . 
  • Scheduling . 
  • Breaking Down a Script. 
  • Choosing a Shooting Order . 
  • How Much Can You Shoot in a Day? 
  • Production Boards . 
  • Scheduling for Unscripted Projects .


  • What Is HD? . 
  • Components of Digital Video . 
  • Tracks. 
  • Frames. 
  • Scan Lines . 
  • Pixels . 
  • Audio Tracks. 
  • Audio Sampling . 
  • Working with Analog or SD Video. 
  • Digital Image Quality . 
  • Color Sampling . 
  • Bit Depth . 
  • Compression Ratios . 
  • Data Rate . 
  • Understanding Digital Media Files. 
  • Digital Video Container Files . 
  • Codecs . 
  • Audio Container Files and Codecs. 
  • Transcoding . 
  • Acquisition Formats . 
  • Unscientific Answers to Highly Technical Questions. 


  • Evaluating a Camera . 
  • Image Quality . 
  • Sensors . 
  • Compression. 
  • Sharpening. 
  • White Balance . 
  • Image Tweaking . 
  • Lenses . 
  • Lens Quality . 
  • Lens Features. 
  • Interchangeable Lenses 
  • Never Mind the Reasons, How Does It Look?. 
  • Camera Features. 
  • Camera Body Types . 
  • Manual Controls . 
  • Focus . 
  • Shutter Speed. 
  • Aperture Control . 
  • Image Stabilization . 
  • Viewfinder. 
  • Interface. 
  • Audio . 
  • Media Type. 
  • Wireless . 
  • Batteries and AC Adaptors . 
  • DSLRs . 
  • Use Your Director of Photography. 
  • Accessorizing . 
  • Tripods . 
  • Field Monitors. 
  • Remote Controls . 
  • Microphones. 
  • Filters.
  • All That Other Stuff . 
  • What You Should Choose . 


  • Storyboarding . 
  • Shots and Coverage . 
  • Camera Angles . 
  • Computer-Generated Storyboards.
  • Less Is More.
  • Camera Diagrams and Shot Lists. 
  • Location Scouting . 
  • Production Design. 
  • Art Directing Basics . 
  • Building a Set . 
  • Set Dressing and Props. 
  • DIY Art Direction. 
  • Visual Planning for Documentaries . 
  • Effects Planning . 
  • Creating Rough Effects Shots .


  • Film-Style Lighting. 
  • The Art of Lighting. 
  • Three-Point Lighting . 
  • Types of Light . 
  • Color Temperature . 
  • Types of Lights . 
  • Wattage . 
  • Controlling the Quality of Light. 
  • Lighting Gels. 
  • Diffusion. 
  • Lighting Your Actors . 
  • Tutorial: Three-Point Lighting . 
  • Interior Lighting. 
  • Power Supply . 
  • Mixing Daylight and Interior Light. 
  • Using Household Lights . 
  • Exterior Lighting . 
  • Enhancing Existing Daylight . 
  • Video Lighting . 
  • Low-Light Shooting . 
  • Special Lighting Situations. 
  • Lighting for Video-to-Film Transfers . 
  • Lighting for Blue and Green Screen.


  • Setting Focus . 
  • Using the Zoom Lens . 
  • Controlling the Zoom. 
  • Exposure. 
  • Aperture . 
  • Shutter Speed. 
  • Gain . 
  • Which One to Adjust? . 
  • Exposure and Depth of Field . 
  • White Balancing . 
  • Composition . 
  • Headroom . 
  • Lead Your Subject. 
  • Following Versus Anticipating . 
  • Don’t Be Afraid to Get Too Close . 
  • Listen . 
  • Eyelines . 
  • Clearing Frame . 
  • Beware of the Stage Line. 
  • TV Framing. 
  • Breaking the Rules.
  • Camera Movement . 
  • Panning and Tilting . 
  • Zooms and Dolly Shots . 
  • Tracking Shots . 
  • Handholding. 
  • Deciding When to Move . 
  • Shooting Checklist. 


  • What You Want to Record .
  • Microphones. 
  • What a Mic Hears . 
  • How a Mic Hears . 
  • Types of Mics . 
  • Mixing . 
  • Connecting It All Up . 
  • Wireless Mics . 
  • Setting Up. 
  • Placing Your Mics . 
  • Getting the Right Sound for the Picture . 
  • Testing Sound. 
  • Reference Tone . 
  • Managing Your Set . 
  • Recording Your Sound . 
  • Room Tone . 
  • Run-and-Gun Audio . 
  • Gear Checklist. 


  • The Shooting Script. 
  • Updating the Shooting Script. 
  • Directing. 
  • Rehearsals .
  • Managing the Set . 
  • Putting Plans into Action . 
  • Double-Check Your Camera Settings.
  • The Protocol of Shooting . 
  • Respect for Acting . 
  • Organization on the Set . 
  • Script Supervising for Scripted Projects .
  • Documentary Field Notes . 


  • What’s Different with a DSLR? . 
  • DSLR Camera Settings for HD Video.
  • Working with Interchangeable Lenses . 
  • What Lenses Do I Need? . 
  • How to Get a Shallow Depth of Field.
  • Measuring and Pulling Focus . 
  • Measuring Focus . 
  • Pulling Focus . 
  • Advanced Camera Rigging and Supports. . 
  • Viewing Video on the Set . 
  • Double-System Audio Recording . 
  • How to Record Double-System Audio.
  • Multi-Cam Shooting. 
  • Multi-Cam Basics . 
  • Challenges of Multi-Cam Shoots . 
  • Going Tapeless . 
  • On-set Media Workstations . 
  • Media Cards and Workflow . 
  • Organizing Media on the Set . 
  • Audio Media Workflow . 
  • Shooting Blue-Screen Effects . 


  • Setting Up a Workstation .
  • CPU . 
  • RAM. 
  • Storage. 
  • Monitors . 
  • Videotape Interface. 
  • Custom Keyboards and Controllers .
  • Backing Up . 
  • Networked Systems. 
  • Storage Area Networks (SANs) and Network-Attached Storage (NAS) . 
  • Cloud Storage . 
  • Render Farms. 
  • Audio Equipment . 
  • Digital Video Cables and Connectors.
  • FireWire . 
  • HDMI . 
  • SDI and HD-SDI . 
  • Fibre Channel. 
  • Thunderbolt . 
  • RS-422. 
  • Audio Interfaces . 
  • Know What You Need .


  • The Interface . 
  • Editing Tools . 
  • Drag-and-Drop Editing . 
  • Three-Point Editing. 
  • JKL Editing . 
  • Insert and Overwrite Editing .
  • Trimming . 
  • Ripple and Roll, Slip and Slide . 
  • Multi-Camera Editing . 
  • Advanced Features . 
  • Organizational Tools . 
  • Importing Media. 
  • Effects and Titles . 
  • Types of Effects . 
  • Titles. 
  • Audio Tools . 
  • Equalization. 
  • Audio Effects and Filters. 
  • Audio Plug-In Formats . 
  • Mixing.
  • OMF Export . 
  • Finishing Tools. 
  • Our Software Recommendations . 
  • Know What You Need . 


  • Organizing Your Media . 
  • Create a Naming System. 
  • Setting Up Your Project. 
  • Importing and Transcoding . 
  • Capturing Tape-based Media. 
  • Logging. 
  • Capturing . 
  • Importing Audio . 
  • Importing Still Images . 
  • Moving Media . 
  • Sorting Media After Ingest . 
  • How to Sort by Content . 
  • Synchronizing Double-System Sound and Picture . 
  • Preparing Multi-Camera Media . 
  • Troubleshooting .


  • Editing Basics . 
  • Applied Three-Act Structure . 
  • Building a Rough Cut . 
  • Watch Everything . 
  • Radio Cuts . 
  • Master Shot—Style Coverage . 
  • Tutorial: Creating a First Cut . 
  • Editing Techniques . 
  • Cutaways and Reaction Shots . 
  • Matching Action . 
  • Matching Screen Position . 
  • Overlapping Edits . 
  • Matching Emotion and Tone . 
  • Pauses and Pull-Ups . 
  • Hard Sound Effects and Music . 
  • Tutorial: Refining Your Cut . 
  • Transitions Between Scenes . 
  • Hard Cuts. 
  • Dissolves, Fades, and Wipes . 
  • Establishing Shots.
  • Clearing Frame and Natural “Wipes”. 
  • Solving Technical Problems. 
  • Missing Elements . 
  • Temporary Elements . 
  • Multi-Cam Editing . 
  • Fine Cutting . 
  • Editing for Style. 
  • Duration . 
  • The Big Picture. 


  • Sounding Off. 
  • Setting Up. 
  • Temp Mixes . 
  • Audio Levels Metering. 
  • Clipping and Distortion . 
  • Using Your Editing App for Sound  
  • Dedicated Sound Editing Apps . 
  • Moving Your Audio . 
  • Editing Sound . 
  • Unintelligible Dialogue . 
  • Changes in Tone . 
  • Is There Extraneous Noise in the Shot? . 
  • Are There Bad Video Edits That Can Be Reinforced with Audio? . 
  • Is There Bad Audio? . 
  • Are There Vocal Problems You Need to Correct? . 
  • Dialogue Editing . 
  • ADR . 
  • Non-Dialogue Voice Recordings . 
  • EQ Is Your Friend . 
  • Sound Effects . 
  • Sound Effect Sources . 
  • Music . 
  • Editing Music . 
  • License to Play . 
  • Finding a Composer . 
  • Do It Yourself . 
  • Fix It in the Mix . 


  • Color Correction . 
  • Advanced Color Controls. 
  • Seeing Color . 
  • A Less Scientific Approach . 
  • Too Much of a Good Thing . 
  • Brightening Dark Video . 
  • Compensating for Overexposure . 
  • Correcting Bad White Balance. 
  • Matching Footage from Different Cameras and Shoots. 
  • Using Tracks and Layers to Adjust Color . 
  • Black-and-White Effects . 
  • Correcting Color for Film . 
  • Making Your Video Look Like Film 
  • One More Thing . 


  • Titles. 
  • Choosing Your Typeface and Size . 
  • Ordering Your Titles. 
  • Coloring Your Titles . 
  • Placing Your Titles. 
  • Safe Titles . 
  • Tutorial: Create Your Main Title . 
  • Motion Effects. 
  • Keyframes and Interpolating .
  • Slow-Mo and Speed Ramps.
  • Integrating Still Images and Video. 
  • Special Effects Workflow . 
  • Compositing 101. 
  • Keys . 
  • Tutorial: Creating a Luminance Key. 
  • Tutorial: Using a Chroma Key . 
  • Keying Tips . 
  • Mattes . 
  • Mixing SD and HD Footage . 
  • Tutorial: Adding Camera Shake. 
  • Using Effects to Fix Problems . 
  • Eliminating Camera Shake . 
  • Getting Rid of Things . 
  • Moving On . 


  • What Do You Need? . 
  • Start Early. 
  • What Is Mastering? . 
  • What to Do Now . 
  • Preparing for Film Festivals .
  • DIY File-Based Masters. 
  • Preparing Your Sequence . 
  • Color Grading . 
  • Create a Mix . 
  • Make a Textless Master . 
  • Export Your Masters . 
  • Watch Your Export . 
  • Web Video and Video-on-Demand. 
  • Streaming or Download? . 
  • Compressing for the Web . 
  • Choosing a Data Rate .
  • Choosing a Keyframe Interval . 
  • DVD and Blu-Ray Discs. 
  • DVD and Blu-Ray Compression. 
  • DVD and Blu-Ray Disc Authoring . 
  • High-End Finishing . 
  • Reel Changes . 
  • Preparing for a Professional Audio Mix.
  • Preparing for Professional Color Grading . 
  • Putting Audio and Video Back Together. 
  • Digital Videotape Masters .
  • 35mm Film Prints . 
  • The Film Printing Process . 
  • Printing from a Negative . 
  • Direct-to-Print. 
  • Optical Soundtracks . 
  • Digital Cinema Masters . 
  • Archiving Your Project.

And many others, you will learn many things in this powerful training which I can't mention here.

NOTE -: Our training materials is well details, come with pictures and illustrations that even a dummies can understand it. the training materials is an electronic version which you can read on your Android phone, iphone, iPad and computer system. we are still going to train you one on one live online through WhatsApp and others, we are going to be training you with practical training videos, audio, pictures and text. we will train you till you become a professional in digital filmmaking. Our step by step Digital filmmaking training materials and practical training videos is enough to make you a professional in digital filmmaking field...

The training fee is just 270usd. The training fee cover your Digital Filmmaking training materials, practical training videos, certificate and training. To register for the training, you can Register Here or Whatsapp, call or message us on 2349077269910 - 2347068895656. You can also email us at indigenousi.tsolution1@gmail.com to register. Your certificate will also be mail after completion of the training program. Register today and learn the complete A to Z Guide of Digital Film Making.


Android Application Development Training For Nigerians

Subsidize Training Fee Is 40,000 Naira Only For Nigerians, Click To Register For The Training immediately

Android Application Development Training For Nigerians

 "Android Application Development Training For Nigerians" Do you want to learn Android application development, Are you searching for Android App Development Training, Android application development Course or Android application development training course. Do you want to become expert in developing Android phone application. if yes, indigenous i.t solution training institute (Online Training Ng) has brought an intensive online training for people who want to learn Android application development. This training is specially design for beginners, who want to learn and become expert in Android phone application development.This training aims is to teach the basics of Android app development in Android Studio using Java programming language. I assume that you don‟t have any Java® or Android programming experience at the start of this training. I am going to explain every bit of app development in simple terms. You‟ll start from scratch and will be able to convert your ideas to your own apps after completing this training. A single training obviously cannot make you the best expert on a platform or programming language however you‟ll have a solid background and hands-on experience on Android app development with this training. Android apps had been developed using Eclipse integrated development environment (IDE) with Android Development Tools (ADT) plugin in the past. However, Google introduced Android Studio as the official IDE for Android app development in 2014 and this IDE became the standard. The latest Android Studio will be used in this training. let's briefly look at some of the things you will learn in this powerful training.


  • The Android Operating System.
  • How do Android Apps Work? .
  • Programming Languages Used For Developing Android Apps.
  • Installation of Android Studio.
  • Installation of Emulators.
  • General Procedure for Developing an App.
  • Creating a New Android Studio Project.
  • Main Sections of the IDE.
  • Folder and File Structure of an Android Studio Project.
  • Building the User Interface.
  • Building the Project and Running on an Emulator.
  • Running on a Real Device.
  • What is Java?.
  • Using Android Studio for Java Coding.
  • Variables in Java.
  • Logical Decision Making Statements in Java.
  • Loops in Java.
  • Methods in Java.
  • Classes, Objects and Inheritance in Java.
  • Creating a New Android Project.
  • Developing the User Interface.
  • Writing the Main Code of the App.
  • Building and Running the App.
  • General Information.
  • Adding and Positioning TextViews.
  • Adding the EditText Widgets.
  • Adding and Positioning the Button.
  • Developing the Main Code of the App.
  • Building and Running the App.
  • Final Notes.
  • Creating the Project and Adding an Imageview Widget.
  • Adding the Other Widgets and Setting up the IDs.
  • Developing the Main Code of the App.
  • Building and Running the App.
  • Setting up the Required Permissions.
  • Designing the GUI of the App.
  • Writing the Main Code of the App.
  • Building and Running the App.
  • Creating a Map Project.
  • Creating and Adding an Api Key.
  • The Default MapsActivity.java File.
  • Running the Maps App for the First Time.
  • Implementing the Required Callbacks.
  • Populating the Implemented Methods.
  • Adding the Required Permissions to the Manifest File.
  • Running Our App and Sending Custom Coordinates to the Emulator.
  • Introduction
  • Adding the Required Permissions.
  • Designing the User Interface.
  • Developing the Main Code.
  • Building and Running the App.

And many others, you will learn many things in this powerful training which I can't mention here.

NOTE -: Our training book is well details, come with pictures and illustrations that even a dummies can understand it. The training book is an electronic version which you can read on your Android phone, iphone, iPad and computer system. We are still going to train you one on one live online through WhatsApp and others, we are going to train you with step by step practical training videos, audio, pictures and text. We will train you till you become a professional in Android application development. Our step by step Android application development training book package and practical training videos is enough to make you a professional in Android application development field.

The training fee is just 100usd, the training fee cover your Android application development training book package, practical training videos, certificate and training. To register for the training, you can Register Here or Whatsapp, call or message us on 2349077269910 - 2347068895656. You can also email us at indigenousi.tsolution1@gmail.com to register. Your certificate will also be mail to you after completion of the training program. Register today and learn how you can start building/developing your own Android phone application.


Computer Hacking Training For Nigerians

Subsidize Training Fee Is 70,000 Naira Only For Nigerians, Click To Register For The Training immediately

Computer Hacking Training For Nigerians

 "Computer Hacking Training For Nigerians" Do you want to learn computer hacking, do you want to build a career in computer Hacking field. Are you searching for computer hacking training, computer hacking course or computer hacking training course. If yes, indigenous i.t solution training institute (Online Training Ng) has brought an intensive training for people who want to learn computer Hacking online right at the comfort of their home or office. This professional training will teach you everything you need to know about computer Hacking, let me quickly introduce you to computer Hacking and also brief you on some of the things you are going to learn in this powerful training

Introduction To Our Computer Hacking Training

The general public usually has two competing viewpoints of hackers. Some
people revere them as brilliantly minded individuals while others look down on them as petty criminals. While both perceptions could be true for many expert hackers, the public’s perception has been twisted and contorted by what they see on television dramas and in the movies. Because your average user doesn’t understand how a computer or the Internet works from a technical perspective, they can’t hope to begin to understand what hackers actually do. In fact, the term ‘hacker’ usually carries a negative connotation to it. Ask any non-technical person what a hacker is, and they’ll give you a response such as, “They’re the bad guys that steal people’s credit cards, listen to my phone calls, and work with terrorist organizations.” For some reason – likely accredited to entertainment media – hackers get a bad rap and most people would instantly assume that their behaviors are illegal. These stigmas couldn’t be further from the truth, because the reality is that there are many types of hackers. Some of them are good, some of them are bad, and some lie somewhere in between. There is no single motivation that drives every hacker and no blanket statement that you can use to accurately describe every hacker in the world. Also consider that hacking isn’t an inherently evil practice and you can do it legally. Some people even like to do it for a hobby. More practically, however, some people get paid big bucks as consultants to try to hack into a corporate network in an effort to find security holes. Be forewarned, though. If you start abusing your knowledge it is a slippery slope to the dark side, and nothing good ever happens once you’re there. If your curiosity has gotten the better of you, if you just want to be able to understand what’s going on in the movies and the news, or you have a goal of becoming a competent hacker, I want to personally introduce you to hacking and guide you to achieving your goals. The problem most people have when they want to start hacking is that they enroll for training that isn’t meant for novitiates. Once you get the basics under your belt and you can actually apply the knowledge you will learn in this powerful training, you’ll find that you are much more educated than your peers and that technology is actually pretty exciting. As the tools hackers use have changed over the last couple decades, people that take an interest and develop a passion for hacking have changed as well. Though technology is only getting more complex with each passing year, the tools hackers utilize are becoming more sophisticated – making the learning curve much less steep for newbies. In this training, I am going to teach you a lot of valuable information about hacking such as:
  • What hacking is and what hacking isn’t.
  • Hacking terminology and hacker culture.
  • Types of attacks and the most famous hacks of all time.
  • Ethical considerations and fair warnings about becoming a hacker.
  • Fundamental concepts that will serve as a foundation to build hacking skills.
  • How to install Linux operating systems using VMWare to setup hacking tools.
  • Step-by-step guides for ping sweeps and port scanning.
  • How to map network topologies and perform reconnaissance techniques.
  • How to use advanced software to find security holes.

This is designed to be an all-inclusive guide that will not only give you an
understanding of the basic technical concepts you will need to become a hacker, but also introduce you to some fascinating software and show you step-by-step how to use it. I’m sure most of you want to get started hacking right away, but I urge you to spend time learning the basics before moving on to some of the more challenging attacks discussed in this training.


  • What it Takes to Become a Good Hacker

An Overview of Hacking

Attack Types and Famous Viruses
  • Code Red
  • Sasser
  • Zeus
  • The I Love You Attack
  • Melissa
  • The Conficker Worm
  • MyDoom
  • Stuxnet
  • Crypto Locker
  • Flashback
  • In Summary

Ethical Considerations and Warnings

Networking Fundamentals
Understanding the OSI Model and Networking Terminology
  • IP Addressing Essentials
  • Subnet Masks
  • Two Special Network Addresses
  • MAC Addresses
  • ARP (Address Resolution Protocol)
  • Ports and Firewalls In Summary

The Hacker’s Tool Belt
  • Vulnerability Scanners
  • Port Scanners
  • Layer 4 Scanners
  • Packet Sniffers
  • Password Cracking Utilities

Utilizing VMWare

Introduction to Ping Sweeps, Port Scanning, and NMAP
  • Ping Sweeps
  • Operating System Identification
  • Port Scanning
  • NMAP Footprinting Procedures: Installing NMAP
  • NMAP Footprinting Procedures: Ping Sweeps
  • NMAP Footprinting Procedures: Port Scanning
  • NMAP Footprinting Procedures: Operating System Identification
  • In Summary

Using Metasploit to Hack Devices
  • Basic Metasploit Commands

Wireless Password Hacking
  • VMWare Wireless Password Cracking Caveats
  • Docker Demonstration
  • Using Reaver to Crack Passwords
  • In Summary

Web-Based Vulnerabilities
  • SQL and SQLi Attacks
  • Cross-Site Scripting Techniques (XSS)
  • XSS Details and Web Browsers
  • Ways to Prevent SQLi and XSS
  • In Summary

  • Installing OpenVAS
  • User and Port Configuration

Social Engineering
  • Types of Social Engineering Attacks
  • An Email from a Trusted Party
  • A False Request for Help
  • Baiting Targets
  • How to Protect Yourself from Social Engineering

 Man-In-The-Middle Attacks
  • How to Perform a Man-In-The-Middle Attack

Cracking Passwords
  • Password Cracking
  • Password Cracking Utilities
  • John the Ripper
  • Ophcrack
  • L0phtcrack
  • Cain & Abel
  • In Summary

 Protecting Yourself from Hackers
  • Software Updates
  • Change Default Usernames and Passwords
  • Use Strong Passwords
  • Properly Configure Your Firewalls
  • Antivirus and Anti-malware Software Solutions
  • Using VPNs
  • Backing Up Your Data
  • Web Browser Security
  • Final Thoughts

And many others, you will learn many things in this powerful training which I can't mention here.

NOTE -: Our training book is well details, come with pictures and illustrations that even a dummies can understand it. The training book is an electronic version which you can read on your Android phone, iphone, iPad and computer system. We are still going to train you one on one live online through WhatsApp and others, we are going to train you with practical videos, audio, pictures and text. We will train you till you become a professional in computer hacking field. Our step by step Computer hacking training book package and step by step practical training videos is enough to make you a professional in computer hacking field...

The training fee is just 200usd, the training fee cover your computer hacking training book package, practical training videos, certificate and training. To register for the training, you can Register Here or Whatsapp, call or message us on 2349077269910 - 2347068895656. You can also email us at indigenousi.tsolution1@gmail.com to register. Your certificate will also be mail to you after completion of the training program. Register today and become expert in computer Hacking.


Wifi Hacking Training For Nigerians

Subsidize Training Fee Is 50,000 Naira Only For Nigerians, Click To Register For The Training immediately

Wifi Hacking Training For Nigerians

 "Wifi Hacking Training For Nigerians" Do you want to learn wifi Hacking, how you can crack/hack any wifi password. Are you searching for wifi hacking training, wifi hacking course or wifi hacking training course. if yes, indigenous i.t solution training institute (Online Training Ng) has brought you an intensive training to learn wifi hacking online right at the comfort of your home. This training will teach you everything you need to know about wifi hacking. the knowledge contain in this training is mainly for educational purpose, we try to make this training as brief and short as possible. let's quickly look at some of the things you are going to learn in this powerful training

Our Training Content At A Glance
  • Setting up the lab
  • Hide identify, become untraceable
  • Wireless modes
  • Catching handshake
  • Cracking any wireless network
  • Securing Your Network From The Above Attacks.

You will learn many things in this powerful training which I can't mention here. 

NOTE -: Our Wifi hacking training book package is well details, come with pictures and illustrations that even a dummies can understand it. The training book is an electronic version which you can read on your Android phone, iphone, iPad and computer system. We are still going to train you one on one live online through WhatsApp and others, we will train you till you become a professional in Wifi hacking. the training fee is just 150usd, you can Register Here or Whatsapp, call or message us on 2349077269910 - 2347068895656. You can also email us at indigenousi.tsolution1@gmail.com to register. Register today and become expert in hacking and cracking any Wifi password..


Wordpress Hacking Training For Nigerians

Subsidize Training Fee Is 70,000 Naira Only For Nigerians, Click To Register For The Training immediately

Wordpress Hacking Training For Nigerians

 "WordPress Hacking Training For Nigerians" Do you want to learn Wordpress hacking, how you can start hacking Wordpress site/blog. if yes, indigenous i.t solution training institute (Online Training Ng) has brought an opportunity for people who want to learn Wordpress hacking online right at the comfort of your home. This training will teach you the complete A to Z guide of Wordpress hacking. The knowledge in this training is mainly for educational purpose, we try to make this training as brief and short as possible. let's quickly look at some of the things you are going to learn in this powerful training program.

Enroll For  Professional Blog Designing Training Using WordPress

Our Training Content At A Glance

Hacking WordPress
  • Origins
  • My Website Has Been Hacked!
  • Why Would Someone Hijack My Website?
  • Taking Possession
  • How To Hack Your own Website
  • Hacking for Users and Passwords
  • Questions
Securing WordPress
  • Securing Computers and Users
  • Protecting your Website
  • Advanced Website Security
  • Cleaning a Hijacked or Infected Site
  • Recommended Solutions

You will learn many things in this powerful training which I can't mention here. 

NOTE -: Our Wordpress hacking training book package is well details, come with pictures and illustrations that even a dummies can understand it. The training book is an electronic version which you can read on your Android phone, iphone, iPad and computer system. We are still going to train you one on one live online through WhatsApp and others, we will train you till you become a professional in Wordpress hacking. The training fee is just 170usd, you can Register Here or Whatsapp, call or message us on 2349077269910 - 2347068895656. You can also email us at indigenousi.tsolution1@gmail.com to register. Register today and become expert in hacking any Wordpress blog/sites..


Window And Internet Hacking Training For Nigerians

Subsidize Training Fee Is 50,000 Naira Only For Nigerians, Click To Register For The Training immediately

Window And Internet Hacking Training For Nigerians

 "Window And Internet Hacking Training For Nigerians" Do you want to learn window PC and internet hacking, have you been longing to learn how you can hack window computer, perform different hack/tricks on window PC and also learn how to perform different hack/tricks on the internet. if yes, indigenous i.t solution training institute has brought an opportunity to learn this training online right at the comfort of your home. This training cover the complete step by step guide to window computer hacking and internet hacking, you can't call yourself a professional hacker without knowing all this. NOTE - The hacking method presented in this powerful training can work/apply on all window computers. Let me briefly list some of what you are going to learn in this powerful training.



  • What is Windows Registry? (Registry Editor)
  • Back up the registry
  • Ultra-speed Shutdown of Windows 7
  • Change the log-on screen of Windows 7
  • Disable or Enable USB Ports/USB drive/Pen-Drive in Windows 7
  • How to Display Legal Notice on Start up of your Windows
  • Faster Thumbnail Previews
  • Disable Right-Click
  • How to Disable or Enable Folder Options in Windows 7
  • Clean up the “Open With” Menu in Explorer
  • Add Recycle Bin to My Computer in Windows 7
  • Add Control Panel to My Computer in Windows 7

  • Want to know: What happened in your absences on your PC?
  • How to Disable Shutdown, Restart, Sleep and Hibernate
  • How to Disable Access to the Registry in Windows 7
  • Prevent access to the command prompt
  • How to show or hide Control Panel items in Windows 7
  • How to Disable Control Panel in Windows 7
  • Disable Windows Hotkeys


  • One Click Shutdown / Restart / LogOff / Sleep / Hibernate – (Creating a Shortcut)
  • How to pin My Computer to Windows 7 taskbar directly
  • Lock your computer in single click
  • Safety Remove Hardware from desktop


  • Dancing Keyboard Led Light Trick
  • Make your computer talk what you type!
  • Pin a drive to the taskbar
  • Shut-down the computer after conveying a message
  • Matrix Falling Code Effect
  • Make Your Keyboard Type (Any) Message Continuously
  • Continuously eject CD/DVD drives
  • Notepad trick to use it as a Diary
  • World Trade Center Notepad Trick


  • Increase Windows Boot Up Speed
  • Speed up the Windows 7
  • God Mode of Windows 7
  • Unlock Hidden Themes in Windows 7
  • Create Keyboard Shortcuts for Programs
  • Invisible a folder
  • Open any folder in Command Prompt instantly
  • Open Command Prompt with right click
  • Reset Windows 7 password with Simple Command
  • Watch Star War Episode IV in Command Prompt
  • Set your Shutdown Button / Power button
  • Use Check Boxes in Windows Explorer
  • Use Pen drive to fast your computer (Boost performance with ReadyBoost)
  • Secure USB Drives with BitLocker
  • Create a System Recovery Disc
  • Rotate Upside-Down Desktop Screen
  • Disable Error Reporting in Windows 7
  • Know the Exact time of Last Turn on the Computer
  • Make a Private Folder – no-one can enter, copy, cut, delete Private Folder
  • How to Make Your PDF Files Speak To You
  • Swap Mouse Right & Left Click
  • Enable / Disable Automatic Updates in Windows 7
  • Change Your Computer Name in Windows 7
  • Steganography – Hide a text behind an image
  • Disable delete confirmation dialog box
  • Minimize quickly with shake
  • Snap
  • Aero Peek
  • Change how icons appear on the taskbar
  • Pin any item to the Windows 7 taskbar
  • Pin Control Panel to the Taskbar
  • Windows 7 Taskbar icons appears in the center of the taskbar
  • Access Jump Lists with the Left Mouse Button
  • Customize Number of Items in Jump Lists & Start Menu
  • Add Any Folder to Favorites
  • Get Exact Colors on Your Screen
  • Adjust Screen Text with Clear Type
  • Shortcut to Run Program as Administrator
  • Run commands List
  • Simple Steps to Protecting Your Computer.

  • Block and unblock any website
  • How to Increase Internet Speed
  • Search Internet from the Start Menu
  • Know any website IP address in Command Prompt
  • View Passwords hidden in asterisks
  • How to speedup online videos and performance of Firefox
  • Sign-out of all Gmail sessions
  • Sign-in to multiple Google accounts in the same browser
  • Log in to multiple web accounts simultaneously - (Google, Gmail, Facebook, Twitter, etc.)
  • Save any web article to PDF for free
  • Free Resume builder
  • Unlock PDF and EXCEL files 
  • Free file converter
  • Free Photos Editor
  • How to Scan your files for malwares  for free
  • Trace any mobile number anywhere
  • Search pictures of people in 3D layout
  • Disable websites from resizing your Firefox browser window
  • How to run Firefox inside Firefox inside Firefox
  • YouTube SECRETS
  • YouTube Easter eggs
  • Add Firefox’s Spelling-Check feature to forms
  • Check username availability on multiple sites at once
  • You don't need the “http://” portion of a web page on Address bar/Location bar
  • Take advantage of tabbed browsing
  • How to Quickly move between the fields of a web page
  • Google “I’m Feeling Lucky” button Magic Tricks
  • Google Calculator
  • Search with an exact phrase in Google
  • Search for specific file types 
  • Google Measurement Converter
  • Currency conversions in Google
  • Exact time of any place in Google
  • Check the weather of anywhere in Google
  • Get Sunset and Sunrise time of anywhere in Google
  • Get definitions of everything in Google
  • Trace My IP Address
  • Search by advanced image search in Google
  • Get movie times in Google
  • Get the list of all films of any Actor and Actress
  • Google URL shortener
  • Google Earth
  • Most useful Google Operators
  • Google help center
  • Backup all your facebook data like photos, videos, and text
  • Facebook shortcut keys
  • How to deactivate or permanently delete a Facebook account
  • Post blank status and comment on facebook
  • Insert symbols and characters in Facebook status and comments
  • How to block people/apps/events/pages on facebook
  • View Facebook Photos in Full Screen Mode
  • How to find if somebody hacked your facebook account
  • How to Block Facebook Applications Forever
  • Who can look me up? On Facebook
  • Facebook Emoji
  • Convert Facebook Profile into a Page
  • Verify Facebook Page or Profile
  • Accept/Reject all Facebook Requests at once
  • Delete all Facebook Messages at once
  • Hide last seen in Facebook chat
  • Wayback Machine
  • hide your identity and surf the internet anonymously.
  • WEB proxy server or HTTP proxy server
  • Glype
  • VPN (Virtual Private Network) Services
  • Useful Extensions and Add-ons

You will learn many things in this powerful training which I can't mention here. 

NOTE -: Our window and internet hacking training book package is well details, come with pictures and illustrations that even a dummies can understand it. The training book is an electronic version which can be read on your Android phone, iphone, iPad and computer system. we are still going to train you one on one online through WhatsApp and others, we will train you till you become a professional in Window computer and internet hacking. the training fee is just 150usd, you can Register Here or Whatsapp, call or message me on 2349077269910 - 2347068895656. You can also email us at indigenousi.tsolution1@gmail.com to register. Register today and become expert in window and internet hacking


Wordpress Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Training For Nigerians

Subsidize Training Fee Is 70,000 Naira Only For Nigerians, Click To Register For The Training immediately

Wordpress Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Training For Nigeria

 "Wordpress Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Training For Nigerians" Do you want to learn Wordpress search engine optimization (SEO), do you want to become expert and learn the A to Z guide of Wordpress search engine optimization. Are you searching for Wordpress search engine optimization (SEO) training, Wordpress search engine optimization (SEO) course or Wordpress SEO Training course. if yes, indigenous i.t solution training institute (Online Training Ng) has brought an opportunity for people who want to learn Wordpress search engine optimization (SEO) online right at the comfort of their home or office. This training will teach you the complete A to Z guide of Wordpress search engine optimization (SEO), I’m going to show you how I easily got on the first page of Google, Yahoo, and Bing! Most SEO companies will charge you $500 - $1,000 just to audit your website. That’s too expensive and I’ll show you how to audit your entire website for free!. The techniques you’ll discover will boost your website's rankings fast. I feel confident in saying that 90% of your competition will virtually disappear once you apply my step-by-step system. This training is to show you how to easily:
  • Do your own SEO for WordPress
  • Dominate 90% of your competition
  • Get on the 1st page of Google, Yahoo and Bing...fast!.
Some of the updates in this training include:
  • Alternative keyword research methods
  • How to set up your web hosting account for SEO
  • Greyhat SEO methods
  • Blackhat SEO methods (for risk-takers)
  • Google places and business listings
  • New SEO tools
  • Updated piggyback methods
  • Tiered backlinks (backlink pyramids)

Our Training Content At A Glance

Introduction to Wordpress (SEO)
Advanced Keyword Research
Keyword Analysis
SEO & Web Hosting
WordPress Setup & SEO Plugins
WordPress Optimization: Homepage
WordPress Optimization: Pages & Blog Posts
  • Permalinks
  • H2 & H3 Tag
  • First Paragraph
  • Keyword Density
  • Last Paragraph
  • Upload Optimized Images
  • All in One SEO Pack Blog Settings
  • Categories & Tags
  • Tag Cloud Widget
Analyze Your On-Page SEO For Free
Off-Page Optimization
  • Blog Commenting
  • Article Marketing
  • Forum Posting
  • Social Bookmarking
  • Profile Accounts
  • Need More RSS Feeds?
Tiered backlinks (Backlink Pyramids)
Boost Your Rankings With RSS Feeds
Get Your Backlinks Found By Google, Fast! .
Track Your Rankings
Piggyback Method
  • Take Advantage of Scribd
  • YouTube Tips
  • Q&A Websites
Automated Tools (Greyhat & Blackhat SEO).
Google Places & Business Listings

You will learn many things in this powerful training which I can't mention here. 

NOTE -: Our Wordpress search engine optimization (SEO) training book package is well details, come with pictures and illustrations that even a dummies can understand it. The training book is an electronic version which you can read on your Android phone, iphone, iPad and computer system. We are still going to train you one on one live online through WhatsApp and others, we will train you till you become a professional in Wordpress search engine optimization (SEO). The training fee is just 170usd. You can Register Here or Whatsapp, call or message us on 2349077269910 - 2347068895656. You can also email us at indigenousi.tsolution1@gmail.com to register. Register today and become expert in Wordpress search engine optimization (SEO).

NOTE -: Only interested serious minded people who are ready to learn and register should WhatsApp, message or call us. Any information or enquiry you need or want to know about our training program is already on our website, just browse through the footer of the website, you will find the information you need


Our Students Are Giving Testimony Everyday, We Have Too Many Of This testimony, Both Whatsapp And Email In Our Database. Register For Any Of Our Training Program Now And Become Your Own Boss This Year




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