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Google Hacking Training

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Google Hacking Training

"Google Hacking Training" Do you want to learn google hacking, do you want to learn how to find your own sensitive data through google before the bad guys do. Are you searching for google hacking training, penetration testers hacking course, professional google hacking training or advanced google hacking course. If yes, indigenous i.t solution training institute (Online Training Ng) has brought an intensive training for people who want to learn google hacking online at the comfort of their home or office. In this powerful training, you will learn the complete A to Z guide of Google hacking. The professional training cover 

  • A completely new volume of google hacking techniques.
  • The world largest database of google hacks.
  • How to find your own sensitive data through google before the bad guys do.
  • Special google hacking showcase features.
  • The best and scariest of google hackers efforts and many more. 

There are so many things you are going to learn in this powerful training, let me briefly list some of what you are going to learn in this professional training program.


Google Searching Basics

  • Introduction
  • Exploring Google’s Web-based Interface
  • Google’s Web Search Page
  • Google Web Results Page
  • Google Groups
  • Google Image Search
  • Google Preferences
  • Language Tools
  • Building Google Queries
  • The Golden Rules of Google Searching.
  • Basic Searching
  • Using Boolean Operators and Special Characters.
  • Search Reduction
  • Working With Google URLs
  • URL Syntax
  • Special Characters
  • Putting the Pieces Together
  • Summary
  • Solutions Fast Track
  • Links to Sites
  • Frequently Asked Questions

Advanced Operators

  • Introduction
  • Operator Syntax
  • Troubleshooting Your Syntax
  • Introducing Google’s Advanced Operators.
  • Intitle and Allintitle: Search Within the Title of a Page.
  • Allintext: Locate a String Within the Text of a Page.
  • Inurl and Allinurl: Finding Text in a URL.
  • Site: Narrow Search to Specific Sites.
  • Filetype: Search for Files of a Specific Type.
  • Link: Search for Links to a Page.
  • Inanchor: Locate Text Within Link Text.
  • Cache: Show the Cached Version of a Page.
  • Numrange: Search for a Number
  • Daterange: Search for Pages Published Within a Certain Date Range.
  • Info: Show Google’s Summary Information.
  • Related: Show Related Sites
  • Author: Search Groups for an Author of a Newsgroup Post.
  • Group: Search Group Titles
  • Insubject: Search Google Groups Subject Lines.
  • Msgid: Locate a Group Post by Message ID.
  • Stocks: Search for Stock Information
  • Define: Show the Definition of a Term
  • Phonebook: Search Phone Listings
  • Colliding Operators and Bad Search-Fu
  • Summary
  • Solutions Fast Track
  • Links to Sites
  • Frequently Asked Questions
Google Hacking Basics

  • Introduction
  • Anonymity with Caches
  • Directory Listings
  • Locating Directory Listings
  • Finding Specific Directories
  • Finding Specific Files
  • Server Versioning
  • Going Out on a Limb:Traversal Techniques.
  • Directory Traversal
  • Incremental Substitution
  • Extension Walking
  • Summary
  • Solutions Fast Track
  • Links to Sites
  • Frequently Asked Questions

Document Grinding and Database Digging.

  • Introduction
  • Configuration Files
  • Log Files
  • Office Documents
  • Database Digging
  • Login Portals
  • Support Files
  • Error Messages
  • Database Dumps
  • Actual Database Files
  • Automated Grinding
  • Google Desktop Search
  • Summary
  • Solutions Fast Track
  • Links to Sites
  • Frequently Asked Questions

Google’s Part in an Information Collection Framework.

  • Introduction
  • The Principles of Automating Searches.
  • The Original Search Term
  • Expanding Search Terms
  • E-mail Addresses
  • Telephone Numbers
  • People
  • Getting Lots of Results
  • More Combinations
  • Using “Special” Operators
  • Getting the Data From the Source.
  • Scraping it Yourself—Requesting and Receiving Responses.
  • Scraping it Yourself – The Butcher Shop.
  • Dapper
  • Aura/EvilAPI
  • Using Other Search Engines
  • Parsing the Data
  • Parsing E-mail Addresses
  • Domains and Sub-domains
  • Telephone Numbers
  • Post Processing
  • Sorting Results by Relevance
  • Beyond Snippets
  • Presenting Results
  • Applications of Data Mining
  • Mildly Amusing
  • Most Interesting
  • Taking It One Step Further
  • Collecting Search Terms On the Web
  • Spying on Your Own Search Terms
  • Gmail
  • Honey Words
  • Referrals
  • Summary

Locating Exploits and Finding Targets

  • Introduction
  • Locating Exploit Code
  • Locating Public Exploit Sites
  • Locating Exploits Via Common Code Strings.
  • Locating Code with Google Code Search.
  • Locating Malware and Executables
  • Locating Vulnerable Targets
  • Locating Targets Via Demonstration Pages.
  • Locating Targets Via Source Code
  • Locating Targets Via CGI Scanning
  • Summary
  • Solutions Fast Track
  • Links to Sites
  • Frequently Asked Questions

Ten Simple Security Searches That Work.

  • Introduction.
  • site.
  • intitle:index.of. error | warning.
  • login | logon username | userid | employee.ID | “your username is” . . .268
  • password | passcode | “your password is”.
  • admin | administrator –ext:html –ext:htm –ext:shtml –ext:asp –ext:php.
  • inurl:temp | inurl:tmp | inurl:backup | inurl:bak.
  • intranet | help.desk
  • Summary
  • Solutions Fast Track
  • Frequently Asked Questions

Tracking Down Web Servers,

  • Login Portals, and Network Hardware
  • Introduction
  • Locating and Profiling Web Servers
  • Directory Listings
  • Web Server Software Error Messages
  • Microsoft IIS
  • Apache Web Server
  • Application Software Error Messages
  • Default Pages
  • Default Documentation
  • Sample Programs
  • Locating Login Portals
  • Using and Locating Various Web Utilities.
  • Targeting Web-Enabled Network Devices.
  • Locating Various Network Reports
  • Locating Network Hardware
  • Summary
  • Solutions Fast Track
  • Frequently Asked Questions

Usernames, Passwords, and Secret Stuff.

  • Introduction
  • Searching for Usernames
  • Searching for Passwords
  • Searching for Credit Card Numbers, Social Security Numbers, and More.
  • Social Security Numbers
  • Personal Financial Data
  • Searching for Other Juicy Info
  • Summary
  • Solutions Fast Track
  • Frequently Asked Questions

Hacking Google Services

  • AJAX Search API
  • Embedding Google AJAX Search API
  • Deeper into the AJAX Search
  • Hacking into the AJAX Search Engine
  • Calendar
  • Blogger and Google’s Blog Search
  • Google Splogger
  • Signaling Alerts
  • Google Co-op
  • Google AJAX Search API Integration
  • Google Code
  • Brief Introduction to SVN
  • Getting the files online
  • Searching the Code

Google Hacking Showcase

  • Introduction
  • Geek Stuff
  • Utilities
  • Open Network Devices
  • Open Applications
  • Cameras
  • Telco Gear
  • Power
  • Sensitive Info
  • Police Reports
  • Social Security Numbers
  • Credit Card Information
  • Beyond Google
  • Summary

Protecting Yourself from Google Hackers.

  • Introduction
  • A Good, Solid Security Policy
  • Web Server Safeguards
  • Directory Listings and Missing Index Files.
  • Robots.txt: Preventing Caching
  • NOARCHIVE:The Cache “Killer”
  • NOSNIPPET: Getting Rid of Snippets
  • Password-Protection Mechanisms
  • Software Default Settings and Programs.
  • Hacking Your Own Site
  • Site Yourself
  • Gooscan
  • Installing Gooscan
  • Gooscan’s Options
  • Gooscan’s Data Files
  • Using Gooscan
  • Windows Tools and the .NET Framework.
  • Athena
  • Using Athena’s Config Files
  • Constructing Athena Config Files
  • Wikto
  • Google Rower
  • Google Site Indexer
  • Advanced Dork
  • Getting Help from Google
  • Summary
  • Solutions Fast Track
  • Links to Sites
  • Frequently Asked Questions

And many others, You will learn many things in this powerful training which I can't mention here. 

NOTE -: Our Google Hacking Training Book Package is well details, come with pictures and illustrations that even a dummies can understand it. The training book is an electronic version which you can read on your Android phone, iphone, iPad and computer system. We are still going to train you one on one online live through WhatsApp and others, we will train you till you become a professional google hacker. This professional powerful training cost more than 900,000 naira but we are going to give it out for just 270usd only. the training fee is just 270usd, certificate will also be issued after completion of the training program. You can Register Here or Whatsapp, call or message us on 2349077269910 - 2347068895656. You can also email us at indigenousi.tsolution1@gmail.com to register. Register today and learn the complete A to Z guide of Google Hacking.

NOTE -: Only interested serious minded people who are ready to learn and register should WhatsApp, message or call us. Any information or enquiry you need or want to know about our training program is already on our website, just browse through the footer of the website, you will find the information you need


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