"YouTube Ranking Training" Do you want to learn YouTube Ranking, do you want to learn How to Rank in YouTube or How to get more views on YouTube. Are you searching for YouTube Ranking Training, How to Rank in YouTube course or How to get more views on YouTube training course. If yes, indigenous I.t solution training institute (Online Training Ng) has brought an intensive training for people who want to learn YouTube Ranking online at the comfort of their home or office. This professional training cover the complete A to Z guide of how to rank in YouTube and get more views on your videos. For internet marketers and online businesses alike, the internet landscape is constantly shifting and it can sometimes be difficult to keep up in order to make a success of yourself online. What worked yesterday doesn’t necessarily work today. So we need to find new avenues and new approaches in order to remain successful. Following the Google Panda and Penguin algorithms (and more recently, Hummingbird), there is a concerted effort to weed out the ’spammy’ sites from the internet and the less than savoury individuals who were out to make a fast buck. But along the way, innocent individuals have also been hit for not playing strictly by the rules. And that included me just a few years ago. So we now need to adapt and learn new ways of getting traffic and income and be more creative in our sources and methods of driving traffic and sales. One of the most surprising results of my research was just how incredibly powerful two sites in particular were and which very few people were really tapping into to their full extent: Amazon and YouTube. Both of these have certain very important things in common that make them extremely effective as marketing tools. They are both what are known as ‘self-searching’ sites i.e. individuals use them as search engines in their own right. And many millions of individuals do just that: they use YouTube to carry out all of their video-related searches in preference to using a generic search engine like Google.But what makes them especially powerful is that they are also ‘self-ranking’ i.e. Google also loves to include them in their own search results (hmm, could this possibly be because they own YouTube?). And not only Google, but the other search engines too. For YouTube, this gives it a tremendous ‘double-whammy’ effect. If you simply have a video presence on YouTube, then by following some simple rules that I’ll show you, they simply cannot fail to show up – either on YouTube itself or on any other search engine, particularly Google! So, by hook or by crook, a searcher simply can’t fail to end up on YouTube for the vast majority of searches, whether they’re looking for a recipe, learning a language or trying to fix their PC. But what makes YouTube super-exciting is that it operates a little like Google used to 10-15 years ago: believe it or not YouTube is nowhere near as saturated as traditional websites and many of the strategies you used to employ with Google to get high rankings still works here! Think about it: every Tom, Dick and Harry has one or more websites nowadays, but by comparison relatively few businesses and individually use YouTube in anger in order to earn an income. And those that do will certainly not be harnessing it as powerfully and as effectively as you will be, using the methods in this training. A lot of people are put off making YouTube videos as they believe it will be too hard or that they will need lots of expensive equipment, neither of which are true! And believe it or not, you will still, even now, be coming to this technology at pretty much the ground floor! I’ll show you how, with very quick and simple techniques, you can get thousands of views of your videos. Not only that, but I’ll also show you how you can link these videos to your existing blog, Facebook and Twitter accounts so that they reinforce each other to supercharge all your traffic. And as I’ll demonstrate, you really don’t need any fancy tools to get started making videos straightaway. In fact, you don’t even need to stand in front of a camera if the idea of that scares the pants off you! You simply need some simple free screen-casting software and a microphone. What I won’t be doing is filling up the training with lots of superfluous tactics that have little or no impact on your rankings. So if they’re absent, the chances are good that they simply aren’t effective so you can safely ignore them. Time is of the essence so I’m only showing you the methods that give you the biggest ‘bang for your buck’, that produce strong, tangible results that you’ll be able to see the effects of now and going forward. I’ll also be showing you how to outsource some of your marketing efforts to drive a ton of traffic to your videos; as well as the specific areas where you should outsource… and where you really shouldn’t! Get it right and you can be enjoying residual income from a very small number of videos for many years to come, without ever needing to update.them! If you already have videos out there, follow through the steps in this training and check off each point as you go. The methods are laid out in logical steps so you should be able to follow the strategies through from one lesson to the next.
Who Is This Training For?
I have purposefully pitched this training at people who already know a little about how to use YouTube and who may even have one or two videos but simply need to know how to maximize their traffic and views. I’m not expecting you to know YouTube inside out and in fact I will be showing you how to use the main features in YouTube, using screenshots along the way to help you. But I won’t be prescriptive about how to make your videos either – that part is very much up to you. I will however be giving you lots of tips as well as the pitfalls to watch out for when making videos in my “Videos that get noticed” section. Most people are able to use YouTube and, with all the software tools available on the internet, just about anyone can make a video. But surprisingly few people use all of the features of YouTube once a video has been uploaded to get it ranking well. They simply fail to take to those extra final steps that make all the difference. Most simply post a video up and then sit and hope the visitors will arrive in their droves; that way will lead to disappointment! In order to avoid putting up lots of boring screenshots on the basics of YouTube I’m going to assume you:
- know how set up a YouTube account;
- know how to do basic keyword research using the Google AdWords Keyword Planner tool (although I will touch on how to do this);
- have a modicum of technical expertise!
- I’m also assuming you have an idea about how to create your own videos or have already done so, so I won’t be boring you with pages and pages of video production techniques and how to use all the various video editing packages.
This is a very personal choice and there really are countless ways of producing videos, many of them free, some of them very expensive. But you can see the equipment I use and recommend at the back of the training materials. This training is very much more about how you can get those all important viewers, keep them coming back and how to go about putting yourself firmly on page one for your chosen set of keywords. So whether you’re using screencasting techniques or a face-to-camera method, both are equally valid – you simply choose which is the most appropriate for the niche you are in. But as I’ll keep saying throughout, make sure the information you’re putting out there is valuable and engaging as, no matter how many views you get, it’s the quality that keeps them coming back for more!
Videos that get noticed
Keyword Research
- Your Video Filename
- Your Title
- Your Description
- Using Tags
Engaging your viewers
- Using Annotations
- Making your videos ‘clickable’ In-video captions.
Supercharging your traffic
- Begin close to home
- Getting backlinks
- Outsourcing
- Getting more Views
- PAD Links
- Social Bookmarking
Repurposing your videos
- YouTube is not the only fruit
- Repurposing ritual
- Summary
- Equipment and
- Resources
And many others, you will learn many things in this powerful training which I can't mention here.
NOTE -: Our step by step training materials is well details, come with pictures and illustrations that even a dummies can understand it. The training materials is an electronic version which you can read on your Android phone, iphone, iPad and computer system. We are still going to train you one on one live online through WhatsApp and others, we are going to train you with step by step practical training videos, audio, pictures and text. We will train you till you become a professional in YouTube Ranking. Our step by step YouTube Ranking Training Materials is enough to make you a professional in YouTube Ranking field..
The training fee is just 150usd. The training fee cover your step by step YouTube Ranking training materials, certificate and training. To register for the training, you can Register Here or Whatsapp, call or message us on 2349077269910 - 2347068895656. You can also email us at indigenousi.tsolution1@gmail.com to register. Your certificate will also be mail to you after completion of the training program. Register today and learn the complete A to Z guide of YouTube Ranking (How to Rank in YouTube and How to get more views on YouTube)